Happy new year everyone! We made it out of 2023, barely alive. A lot has happened and a lot is planned! I’d like to share some of these things as we look forward into a 2024 with optimism and determination!
2023 wasn’t the best of years for a lot of people and we sympathise for everyone. We had our own fair share of ups and downs involving crypto woes or personal life issues, sometimes all at once and together!
In 2023 I lost Archie, a 12 year old Great Dane who was with me through my divorce. I also lost my Grandmother, who lived to be 102.5 years old. She rescued me from being given up and raised me.
Cutting Validators
Starting in 2024, we have decided to focus on primarily Validating for App chains. Unfortunately this means we will be shutting down our Beezee, Bitcanna, and Vidulum Nodes. We wish them the best of luck moving forward with their projects in the coming months as we enter the bull market.
Bitcanna was a harder choice forth both Gretchen and I as we smoke Cannabis and I was hoping to see their Bitcanna Pay get some more steam.
Beezee and Vidulum have not shown many updates over the bear market. Vidulums website hasn’t been updated with anything new that has happened over 2023 at the time of writing this. Two things I was hoping to see get developed prior to the next bull run was, implementing an address book and a browser extension so your Cosmos coins can be used inside the wallet. I do believe that these will come eventually, but given the lack of attention to the ecosystem that I am wanting to be a part in, we no longer feel like the Vidulum Wallet fits our Mantra.
Leap and Keplr lead the way.
We wish all 3 teams the best of luck moving forward.
We will begin the unbond process Friday, January the 12th 2024.
I have had a bit of a hangup in my development. The passing of loved ones and some other personal things that have been going on have burnt me out and away from developing the code that I have been working on. I’ve slowed down quite a bit unfortunately.
We have a developer, Gretchen's x-husband, who will be able to help write the game code. Specifically the rust code for cosmwasm contracts!
Wait…what am I talking about? OH Yeah…This
Legend of King Icarus is a sort of ‘sequel’ to a cherish game of mine from my childhood called LORD, Legend of the Red Dragon.
LORD was a BBS Door game. A BBS is prior to the internet. Google it! There are active telnet BBS’s that offer you the ability to play LORD too, google it!! :D
LOKI is a Pay, play and earn NFT game.
No, you don’t stake a NFT to play. You fight, you woo the inn whore, you kill other players. FUCK YES!
The games Entry fee, aka buying the NFT, is what's use to fund the reward pool. The formula I created to reward the top 1/3 players is logarithmic based in how it scales down.
The above is based on 150, 1000, or 3000 players who bought in at $100. The reward pool would be able to reward these ranks as such. This is all still subject to change of course!!
The game would reward all players too! There would be daily rewards for those who played the prior day, as well as bonus for being in the top 1/3 of the leaderboard. The final payout also would pay all players a small amount, with the rest being use as above. The buy in cost is not the only thing that would contribute to the reward pool for players either. There will be items and other purchasable percs that also go to fund the player reward pool.
Foxy Dashboard
This is still in the works. I have the new front part done but am working on the react hooks for fetching all the rpc data. The dashboard will be unique in that the user will be the database storer. Using ReactDB, I should be able to securely store your blockchain data locally for you to pull up and also have it backed up via a cloud provider, like google drive.
The unbonding charts are going to look sexier than ever. I can’t wait for you to see my vision!
2024 is looking like it’s going to be our year! We hope to help make it yours as well with our PPE NFT Game!!
Do you stake with The Silver Fox on Stargaze, or any of our other Validators?
Stay Foxy!